Sealed Magic the Gathering Produkter

Her kan du købe sealed Magic: the Gathering products fra hele Magics historie. Vores udvalg indeholder booster pakker, displays, starter decks og meget mere. Brug knapperne herunder til at navigere rundt blandt de nyeste Magic sæt og blandt andre special produkter.

Avanceret Søgning



Magic the Gathering: Unfinity - Collector Display

1.804,95 DKK

1.899,95 kr

Magic the Gathering: Unfinity - Draft Display

902,45 DKK

949,95 kr

Magic Jumpstart Display

649,95 DKK

749,95 kr


Udforsk og oplev spændingen af Sealed Magic: The gathering

Er du på udkig efter en spændende, taktisk udfordrende og social hobby? Så er Magic: the Gathering det perfekte for dig! Det verdenskendte samlekort spil har været aktivt siden de tidlige 90'ere og har i dag en kæmpe følge af fans over hele verden!

I Magic: the Gathering benytter spillerne et deck af kort der indeholder spells, utrolige monstre, legendariske Planeswalkers og andre magiske artefakter til at overvinde deres modstandere. Magic: the Gathering kan spilles både 2 eller flere spillere, hvor hver spiller starter på en bestemt mængde livspoints, hvor det handler om at reducere alle modstanderes liv til nul samtidigt med at beskytte ens egen.

Magic: the Gathering tilbyder nærmest uendelige muligheder for at bygge forskellige decks med unikke strategier og udforske et fantastisk og dybt fantasy univers. Det er ingen overraskelse at Magic er blevet så populært inden for spilverdenene, men en så omfattende og dedikeret fans.

Magic Udvidelser

One of the best things about Magic is the constant updates and expansions known as sets. With each new release, there are new cards to collect and new strategies to explore. This way there is always something new to discover and the game newer gets old. To better help you find the newest and most exciting cards, we have divided our selection into several collections based on their original MtG sets. Use the buttons above to navigate through the newest Magic sets and find the right cards for your collection!

Forskellige måder at spille Magic

As a player, you can choose from different formats, such as Standard, Modern, Pioneer and Commander. These all cater to different playstyles and skill levels. So whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, there's a format for you. Currently the most popular format is commander, so to help you get going quickly, we have gathered all our Commander Decks here.

The Card Collective is among the largest sellers of Magic The gathering in Denmark. Check out our great selection of Magic The Gathering here: All Magic the Gathering

Are you looking for specific Magic the gathering singles? Check out our selection of Magic Single Cards

Are you a Magic collecter looking for Graded Magic the gathering? Check out our selection of Graded Magic